Thursday, February 25, 2016


well now , two days in a row Let's see if I can keep this rolling this time.

              The adoption community had taken pride in it's gentleness over the years and we quietly slink back into the shadows when lawmakers tell us we need permission , and when they say no. We hashtag things like #flipthescript which is lovely , however you do not see the Black Lives Matter folks tweeting #pleasetreatusnicely when their basic rights are denied or violated do you?

              Why then is it that we have adoptees , who are viewed by the law as perpetual children acting like teenagers with strict parents quietly and demurely asking "may I please go to the prom with the pastor's son?" . The reason we are not winning is because we are acting like timid teenagers asking permission to have access to the stuff we already own. There is not much more frustrating in the march to basic rights for adopted people than adoptees themselves who do not want to shake the apple cart much less turn it over .

                People say things like , "you don't want to make them upset". WHY NOT ??????????
PETA and the HSUS make fake videos of animal abuse and debunked documentaries like Blackfish  to get you to donate to their CEO's vacations ,  Other organizations pump out all sorts of over emotional crap to steal your money . Some folks that are mad about stuff take to the streets , remember the WTO in Seattle? That did not happen because folks were happy, it also set the standard pretty damn high when it comes to social response to a real injustice.

                 Have any of you seen the crazy over the top feminist bullshit on tumblr lately? These people are all radical about their cause . They are extremists , which is exactly what we need to do. We need to strap on our Doc Martens , pull our gas masks out of the closet , grab our engineers hammers and start DEMANDING what we want . We need to make it epic , unforgettable and LOUD.   Louder than we have ever been about anything . I am tired of seeing garbage like this latest abomination going down in Missouri .

                   Limited rights are not rights . Let me say that again, LIMITED RIGHTS ARE NOT RIGHTS .

Are you aware that they are giving you less than Jim Crow ? I want you to think about that for a moment , we KNOW people in Missouri know how to make their voice heard and yet they settle for THIS?????
When the goobermint stamps your birth certificate with some crap that will not let you use it as proof you were born in this country , that is not even separate but equal , THIS IS CONTINUING TO DENY YOU YOUR RIGHTS.  Why do you continue to allow the government to do this to you ? Stop saying please to these people, it belongs to you, take it .

until next time HH


  1. Ah! Have you been reading aboaut Missouri? There are 2 bills going. Bad and really bad. The SMARMS have deicded to ignore Realy Bad and concentrate on Bad, seemingly supporting it while they say they don't. They melted down when we put out an action alert about Really Bad bill (already working on killing the Bad Bill) and screamed that if leggies got phone calls or emails about the Really Bad Bill it would confuse them. And then thre is the school of thought amongst deformers that if you don't mention a Bad Bill it will go away--or better yet, if you have a Good Bill you don't mention it so as not to tip off the opposition!

    1. Sorry for the typos. Sent while I was proofing. I don't think I an get it back to fix.
